Thank you for reviewing the PHM Core Competencies.Please complete the general questions below. Should you wish to provide feedback on a specific chapter you will be prompted to do so within this survey. Please complete a review for only those chapters that you reviewed. We kindly ask that you complete your review(s) as soon as possible (original deadline: April 5, 2019). Please consider the following when providing your review. The PHM Core Competencies should:Apply to pediatric hospital medicine across the range of practice settings, including but not limited to rural or inner city, tertiary and non-tertiary, with and without graduate medical education trainees. Be attained by graduates from PHM training programs or through professional development activities. Be written to indicate both a level of proficiency expected related to a subject area and how proficiency might be identified. Should you have additional questions or concern regarding the peer review process please email: Erin R. Stucky Fisher, MD, MHM - estucky@rchsd.orgSandra L. Gage, MD, PhD - sgage1@phoenixchildrens.comJennifer Maniscalco, MD, MPH, MAcM - jmaniscalcomd@gmail.comSofia Teferi, MD - For technical questions or issues related to completion of the survey, please contact*Please note, each review sessions will allow feedback for up to 3 chapters. You will be able to re-access the system to provide feedback for additional chapters should you wish to do so. Please enter your organization name: * Did you note inconsistencies or unnecessary redundancies between chapters with common content? * Yes No NA Please check the area where the inconsistency/ redundancy was located: * Knowledge Skills Attitudes Systems Please detail what the inconsistencies/ unnecessary redundancies here (including the chapter name). * How well does the compendium reflect the current expectations and your vision for clinical care for practicing pediatric hospitalists? * Not Well Somewhat Well Well Very Well What recommendations would help meet these expectations to a level of "very well"? * How well does the compendium reflect the current expectations and your vision for how practicing pediatric hospitalists are engaged in healthcare systems? * Not Well Somewhat Well Well Very Well What recommendations would help meet these expectations to a level of "very well"? * Are there other comments or suggestions you would like to make regarding a specific chapter? * Yes No Please select the chapter that you wish to provide additional comments or suggestions on. * - Select -Abdominal PainAcute GEAltered Mental StatusAsthmaBone and Joint InfectionsBrief Resolved Unexplained EventBronchiolitisCentral Nervous System InfectionsConstipationDiabetes MellitusFailure To ThriveFever of Unknown OriginFluids & ElectrolytesGastrointestinal DisordersHead and Neck DisordersKawasaki DiseaseNeonatal abstinence syndromeNeonatal FeverNeonatal JaundicePneumoniaRespiratory FailureSeizuresShock and Sepsis (added sepsis)Sickle Cell DiseaseSkin & Soft Tissue InfectionsToxic IngestionUrinary Tract InfectionBladder Catheterization and Interpretation of UrinalysisCommunicationElectrocardiogram InterpretationFeeding tubesHAC and General Preventive Care ServicesIntravenous Access and PhlebotomyLumbar PunctureNon-Invasive Monitoring EquipmentNutritionOxygen Delivery and Airway ManagementPain ManagementPediatric Advanced Life SupportPeri-procedural careProcedural SedationRadiographic InterpretationAcute Behavioral and Psychiatric ConditionsAdolescent and young adult medicineChild Abuse and NeglectChild with Medical ComplexityChronic Behavioral and Psychiatric ConditionsPalliative Care and HospiceNewborn Care and Delivery Room ManagementPediatric Inter-facility TransportAdvocacyBusiness PracticesConsultation and Co-managementEducationEthicsEvidence Based MedicineFamily Centered CareHandoffs and Transitions of CareHealth Information TechnologyHigh Value CareInfection Control and Antimicrobial StewardshipLeadership in HealthcareLegal issues/Risk managementPatient SafetyQuality ImprovementResearch Are all the relevant core knowledge, skills, attitudes, and systems competencies included? * Yes; no edits recommended Yes; but edits recommended No; the following competencies should be added You selected "Yes, but edits recommended". Please specify which section the comments and recommendations would be best placed. * Knowledge Skills Attitudes Systems Which competency would you like to edit? Please provide your logic. * You selected "No, the following competencies should be added". Please specify which section the comments and recommendations would be best placed. * Knowledge Skills Attitudes Systems Which competency would you like to add? Please provide your logic. * Are there knowledge, skills, attitudes, or systems competencies included that are not representative or relevant? * Yes No You selected "Yes". What competencies should be removed or revised? * Knowledge Skills Attitudes Systems For your above selected competency, would you recommend removal or revision? * Removal Revision You selected Removal or Revision, please specify which competency and provide your logic. * Are there other comments or suggestions you would like to make regarding a specific chapter? * Yes No Please select the chapter that you wish to provide additional comments or suggestions on. * - Select -Abdominal PainAcute GEAltered Mental StatusAsthmaBone and Joint InfectionsBrief Resolved Unexplained EventBronchiolitisCentral Nervous System InfectionsConstipationDiabetes MellitusFailure To ThriveFever of Unknown OriginFluids & ElectrolytesGastrointestinal DisordersHead and Neck DisordersKawasaki DiseaseNeonatal abstinence syndromeNeonatal FeverNeonatal JaundicePneumoniaRespiratory FailureSeizuresShock and Sepsis (added sepsis)Sickle Cell DiseaseSkin & Soft Tissue InfectionsToxic IngestionUrinary Tract InfectionBladder Catheterization and Interpretation of UrinalysisCommunicationElectrocardiogram InterpretationFeeding tubesHAC and General Preventive Care ServicesIntravenous Access and PhlebotomyLumbar PunctureNon-Invasive Monitoring EquipmentNutritionOxygen Delivery and Airway ManagementPain ManagementPediatric Advanced Life SupportPeri-procedural careProcedural SedationRadiographic InterpretationAcute Behavioral and Psychiatric ConditionsAdolescent and young adult medicineChild Abuse and NeglectChild with Medical ComplexityChronic Behavioral and Psychiatric ConditionsPalliative Care and HospiceNewborn Care and Delivery Room ManagementPediatric Inter-facility TransportAdvocacyBusiness PracticesConsultation and Co-managementEducationEthicsEvidence Based MedicineFamily Centered CareHandoffs and Transitions of CareHealth Information TechnologyHigh Value CareInfection Control and Antimicrobial StewardshipLeadership in HealthcareLegal issues/Risk managementPatient SafetyQuality ImprovementResearch Are all the relevant core knowledge, skills, attitudes, and systems competencies included? * Yes; no edits recommended Yes; but edits recommended No; the following competencies should be added You selected "Yes, but edits recommended". Please specify which section the comments and recommendations would be best placed. * Knowledge Skills Attitudes Systems Which competency would you like to edit? Please provide your logic. * You selected "No, the following competencies should be added". Please specify which section the comments and recommendations would be best placed. * Knowledge Skills Attitudes Systems Which competency would you like to add? Please provide your logic. * Are there knowledge, skills, attitudes, or systems competencies included that are not representative or relevant? * Yes No You selected "Yes". What competencies should be removed or revised? * Knowledge Skills Attitudes Systems For your above selected competency, would you recommend removal or revision? * Removal Revision You selected Removal or Revision, please specify which competency and provide your logic. * Are there other comments or suggestions you would like to make regarding a specific chapter? * Yes No Please select the chapter that you wish to provide additional comments or suggestions on. * - Select -Abdominal PainAcute GEAltered Mental StatusAsthmaBone and Joint InfectionsBrief Resolved Unexplained EventBronchiolitisCentral Nervous System InfectionsConstipationDiabetes MellitusFailure To ThriveFever of Unknown OriginFluids & ElectrolytesGastrointestinal DisordersHead and Neck DisordersKawasaki DiseaseNeonatal abstinence syndromeNeonatal FeverNeonatal JaundicePneumoniaRespiratory FailureSeizuresShock and Sepsis (added sepsis)Sickle Cell DiseaseSkin & Soft Tissue InfectionsToxic IngestionUrinary Tract InfectionBladder Catheterization and Interpretation of UrinalysisCommunicationElectrocardiogram InterpretationFeeding tubesHAC and General Preventive Care ServicesIntravenous Access and PhlebotomyLumbar PunctureNon-Invasive Monitoring EquipmentNutritionOxygen Delivery and Airway ManagementPain ManagementPediatric Advanced Life SupportPeri-procedural careProcedural SedationRadiographic InterpretationAcute Behavioral and Psychiatric ConditionsAdolescent and young adult medicineChild Abuse and NeglectChild with Medical ComplexityChronic Behavioral and Psychiatric ConditionsPalliative Care and HospiceNewborn Care and Delivery Room ManagementPediatric Inter-facility TransportAdvocacyBusiness PracticesConsultation and Co-managementEducationEthicsEvidence Based MedicineFamily Centered CareHandoffs and Transitions of CareHealth Information TechnologyHigh Value CareInfection Control and Antimicrobial StewardshipLeadership in HealthcareLegal issues/Risk managementPatient SafetyQuality ImprovementResearch Are all the relevant core knowledge, skills, attitudes, and systems competencies included? * Yes; no edits recommended Yes; but edits recommended No; the following competencies should be added You selected "Yes, but edits recommended". Please specify which section the comments and recommendations would be best placed. * Knowledge Skills Attitudes Systems Which competency would you like to edit? Please provide your logic. * You selected "No, the following competencies should be added". Please specify which section the comments and recommendations would be best placed. * Knowledge Skills Attitudes Systems Which competency would you like to add? Please provide your logic. * Are there knowledge, skills, attitudes, or systems competencies included that are not representative or relevant? * Yes No You selected "Yes". What competencies should be removed or revised? * Knowledge Skills Attitudes Systems For your above selected competency, would you recommend removal or revision? * Removal Revision You selected Removal or Revision, please specify which competency and provide your logic. * Leave this field blank